We invite you to know which are articles that according to the regulation can be transported under specific conditions.
5KG Max and less than 100 Wh. No problem shipping
5KG Max and less than 100 Wh. May need to be repacked to ship.
All instances are prohibited. No shipping batteries alone.
SkyBOX cannot deliver certain items for legal or safety reasons. Be sure to check the following information before you order a product.
Some products are prohibited due to exporting country, importing country or transportation regulations.
Products that cannot be safely shipped include flammable products or dangerous items, e.g., products that are toxic or that may catch fire or explode during shipment. This category includes some everyday products such as aerosols and certain cosmetics.
If you order products that cannot be legally exported or that cannot legally be sold (such as marijuana or other illegal drugs), we are not able to return those items to the merchant or ship them to an alternative address. You should be aware that they are subject to seizure by law enforcement authorities who may investigate further.
A detailed list of items that cant't be delivered:
Perishables: require permission from Health Department of destination country.
Pharmaceuticals and chemicals: require a doctors prescription.
Perfumes & some cosmetics: dangerous goods additional charge of $196 applies.
All kinds of Liquids: dangerous goods additional charge of $196 applies.
Machinery and parts containing liquids: dangerous goods additional charge of $196 applies.
Items valued at $2,000 or more: Exceptions additional charge.
We have tried to make the lists as complete as possible. There may be other items not specifically named which fall into one of the categories.
For more information on US export restrictions
Please visit www.access.gpo.gov/bis/ear/ear_data.html or http://www.bis.doc.gov/exportlicensingqanda.htm
On products subject to UK and US export restrictions
Please visit: http://www.ecochecker.co.uk/goodsChecker
The above list consists of products that cannot be shipped to any country.